Package 'dabestr'

Title: Data Analysis using Bootstrap-Coupled Estimation
Description: Data Analysis using Bootstrap-Coupled ESTimation. Estimation statistics is a simple framework that avoids the pitfalls of significance testing. It uses familiar statistical concepts: means, mean differences, and error bars. More importantly, it focuses on the effect size of one's experiment/intervention, as opposed to a false dichotomy engendered by P values. An estimation plot has two key features: 1. It presents all datapoints as a swarmplot, which orders each point to display the underlying distribution. 2. It presents the effect size as a bootstrap 95% confidence interval on a separate but aligned axes. Estimation plots are introduced in Ho et al., Nature Methods 2019, 1548-7105. <doi:10.1038/s41592-019-0470-3>. The free-to-view PDF is located at <>.
Authors: Joses W. Ho [aut] , Kah Seng Lian [aut], Zhuoyu Wang [aut], Jun Yang Liao [aut], Felicia Low [aut], Tayfun Tumkaya [aut] , Yishan Mai [cre, ctb] , Sangyu Xu [ctb] , Hyungwon Choi [ctb] , Adam Claridge-Chang [ctb] , ACCLAB [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Yishan Mai <[email protected]>
License: Apache License (>= 2)
Version: 2023.9.12
Built: 2025-03-12 05:34:14 UTC

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Producing an estimation plot


Produces a Gardner-Altman estimation plot or a Cumming estimation plot depending on whether float_contrast is TRUE. The plot presents all datapoints as a swarmplot, which orders each point to display the underlying distribution. It also presents the effect size as a bootstrap 95% confidence interval (95% CI) on a separate but aligned axes.


dabest_plot(dabest_effectsize_obj, float_contrast = TRUE, ...)



A dabest_effectsize_obj created by loading in a dabest_obj along with other specified parameters with the effect_size() function.


Default TRUE. If TRUE, a Gardner-Altman plot will be produced. If FALSE, a Cumming estimation plot will be produced.


Adjustment parameters to control and adjust the appearance of the plot. (list of all possible adjustment parameters can be found under plot_kwargs)


# Loading of the dataset

# Preparing the data to be plotted
dabest_obj <- load(non_proportional_data,
  x = Group, y = Measurement,
  idx = c("Control 1", "Test 1")
dabest_obj.mean_diff <- mean_diff(dabest_obj)

# Plotting an estimation plot
dabest_plot(dabest_obj.mean_diff, TRUE)

Calculating effect sizes


Computes the effect size for each control-test group pairing in idx. The resampling bootstrap distribution of the effect size is then subjected to Bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap (BCa) correction.

The following effect sizes mean_diff, median_diff, cohens_d, hedges_g and cliffs_delta are used for most plot types.


mean_diff(dabest_obj, perm_count = 5000)

median_diff(dabest_obj, perm_count = 5000)

cohens_d(dabest_obj, perm_count = 5000)

hedges_g(dabest_obj, perm_count = 5000)

cliffs_delta(dabest_obj, perm_count = 5000)

cohens_h(dabest_obj, perm_count = 5000)



A dabest_obj created by loading in dataset along with other specified parameters with the load() function.


The number of reshuffles of control and test labels to be performed for each p-value.


The plot types listed under here are limited to use only the following effect sizes.

  • Proportion plots offers only mean_diff and cohens_h.

  • Mini-Meta Delta plots offers only mean_diff.

The other plots are able to use all given basic effect sizes as listed in the Description.


Returns a dabest_effectsize_obj list with 22 elements. The following are the elements contained within:

  • raw_data The tidy dataset passed to load() that was cleaned and altered for plotting.

  • idx The list of control-test groupings as initially passed to load().

  • delta_x_labels Vector containing labels for the x-axis of the delta plot.

  • delta_y_labels String label for the y-axis of the delta plot.

  • Ns List of labels for x-axis of the raw plot.

  • raw_y_labels Vector containing labels for the y-axis of the raw plot.

  • is_paired Boolean value determining if it is a paired plot.

  • is_colour Boolean value determining if there is a colour column for the plot.

  • paired Paired ("sequential" or "baseline") as initially passed to load().

  • resamples The number of resamples to be used to generate the effect size bootstraps.

  • control_summary Numeric value for plotting of control summary lines for float_contrast = TRUE.

  • test_summary Numeric value for plotting of control summary lines for float_contrast = TRUE.

  • ylim Vector containing the y limits for the raw plot.

  • enquo_x Quosure of x as initially passed to load().

  • enquo_y Quosure of y as initially passed to load().

  • enquo_id_col Quosure of id_col as initially passed to load().

  • enquo_colour Quosure of colour as initially passed to load().

  • proportional Boolean value as initially passed to load().

  • minimeta Boolean value as initially passed to load().

  • delta Boolean value as initially passed to load().

  • proportional_data List of calculations related to the plotting of proportion plots.

  • boot_result List containing values related to the calculation of the effect sizes, bootstrapping and BCa correction.

  • baseline_ec_boot_result List containing values related to the calculation of the effect sizes, bootstrapping and BCa correction for the baseline error curve.

  • permtest_pvals List containing values related to the calculations of permutation t tests and the corresponding p values, and p values for different types of effect sizes and different statistical tests.


# Loading of the dataset

# Applying effect size to the dabest object
dabest_obj <- load(non_proportional_data,
  x = Group, y = Measurement,
  idx = c("Control 1", "Test 1")
dabest_obj.mean_diff <- mean_diff(dabest_obj)

# Printing dabest effectsize object

Loading data with dabestr


Processes and converts a tidy dataset into the dabestr format. The output of this function is then used as an input for various procedural functions within dabestr to create estimation plots.


  idx = NULL,
  paired = NULL,
  id_col = NULL,
  ci = 95,
  resamples = 5000,
  colour = NULL,
  proportional = FALSE,
  minimeta = FALSE,
  delta2 = FALSE,
  experiment = NULL,
  experiment_label = NULL,
  x1_level = NULL



A tidy dataframe.


Column in data that contains the treatment groups.


Column in data that contains the measurement values.


List of control-test groupings for which the effect size will be computed for.


Paired ("sequential" or "baseline"). Used for plots for experiments with repeated-measures designs.

If "sequential", comparison happens between each measurement to the one directly preceding it. (control vs group i)

If "baseline", comparison happens between each group to a shared control. (group i vs group i+1)


Column in data indicating the identity of the datapoint if the data is tagged. Compulsory parameter if paired is TRUE.


Default 95. Determines the range of the confidence interval for effect size and bootstrap calculations. Only accepts values between 0 to 100 (inclusive).


The number of resamples to be used to generate the effect size bootstraps.


Column in data that determines the groupings for colour of the swarmplot as opposed to x.


Boolean value determining if proportion plots are being produced.


Boolean value determining if mini-meta analysis is conducted.


Boolean value determining if delta-delta analysis for 2 by 2 experimental designs is conducted.


Experiment column name for delta-delta analysis.


String specifying the experiment label that is used to distinguish the experiment and the factors (being used in the plotting labels).


String setting the first factor level in a 2 by 2 experimental design.


Returns a dabest_obj list with 18 elements. The following are the elements contained within:

  • raw_data The tidy dataset passed to load() that was cleaned and altered for plotting.

  • proportional_data List of calculations related to the plotting of proportion plots.

  • enquo_x Quosure of x as initially passed to load().

  • enquo_y Quosure of y as initially passed to load().

  • enquo_id_col Quosure of id_col as initially passed to load().

  • enquo_colour Quosure of colour as initially passed to load().

  • proportional Boolean value determining if proportion plots are being produced.

  • minimeta Boolean value determining if mini-meta analysis is conducted.

  • delta2 Boolean value determining if delta-delta analysis for 2 by 2 experimental designs is conducted.

  • idx List of control-test groupings for which the effect size will be computed for.

  • resamples The number of resamples to be used to generate the effect size bootstraps.

  • is_paired Boolean value determining if it is a paired plot.

  • is_colour Boolean value determining if there is a specified colour column for the plot.

  • paired Paired ("sequential" or "baseline") as initially passed to load().

  • ci Numeric value which determines the range of the confidence interval for effect size and bootstrap calculations. Only accepts values between 0 to 100 (inclusive).

  • Ns List of labels for x-axis of the rawdata swarm plot.

  • control_summary Numeric value for plotting of control summary lines for float_contrast= TRUE.

  • test_summary Numeric value for plotting of test summary lines for float_contrast = TRUE.

  • ylim Vector containing the y limits for the rawdata swarm plot.


# Loading in of the dataset

# Creating a dabest object
dabest_obj <- load(
  data = non_proportional_data, x = Group, y = Measurement,
  idx = c("Control 1", "Test 1")

# Printing dabest object

Adjustable Plot Aesthetics


These are the available plot kwargs for adjusting the plot aesthetics of your estimation plot:

  • swarm_label Default "value" or "proportion of success" for proportion plots. Label for the y-axis of the swarm plot.

  • contrast_label Default "effect size", based on the effect sizes as given in effect_size(). Label for the y-axis of the contrast plot.

  • delta2_label Default NULL. Label for the y-label for the delta-delta plot.

  • swarm_x_text Default 11. Numeric value determining the font size of the x-axis of the swarm plot.

  • swarm_y_text Default 15. Numeric value determining the font size of the y-axis of the swarm plot.

  • contrast_x_text Default 11. Numeric value determining the font size of the x-axis of the delta plot.

  • contrast_y_text Default 15. Numeric value determining the font size of the y-axis of the delta plot.

  • swarm_ylim Default NULL. Vector containing the y limits for the swarm plot

  • contrast_ylim Default NULL. Vector containing the y limits for the delta plot.

  • delta2_ylim Default NULL. Vector containing the y limits for the delta-delta plot.

  • raw_marker_size Default 1.5. Numeric value determining the size of the points used in the swarm plot.

  • tufte_size Default 0.8. Numeric value determining the size of the tufte line in the swarm plot.

  • es_marker_size Default 0.5. Numeric value determining the size of the points used in the delta plot.

  • es_line_size Default 0.8. Numeric value determining the size of the ci line in the delta plot.

  • raw_marker_alpha Default 1. Numeric value determining the transparency of the points in the swarm plot.

  • raw_bar_width Default 0.3. Numeric value determining the width of the bar in the sankey diagram.

  • raw_marker_spread Default 2. The distance between the points if it is a swarm plot.

  • raw_marker_side_shift Default 0. The horizontal distance that the swarm plot points are moved in the direction of the asymmetric_side.

  • asymmetric_side Default "right". Can be either "right" or "left". Controls which side the swarm points are shown.

  • show_delta2 Default FALSE. Boolean value determining if the delta-delta plot is shown.

  • show_mini_meta Default FALSE. Boolean value determining if the weighted average plot is shown. If False, the resulting graph would be identical to a multiple two-groups plot.

  • show_zero_dot Default TRUE. Boolean value determining if there is a dot on the zero line of the effect size for the control-control group.

  • show_baseline_ec Default FALSE. Boolean value determining whether the baseline curve is shown.

  • sankey Default TRUE. Boolean value determining if the flows between the bar charts will be plotted.

  • raw_flow_alpha Default 0.5. Numeric value determining the transparency of the sankey flows in a paired proportion plot.

  • flow Default TRUE. Boolean value determining whether the bars will be plotted in pairs.

  • custom_palette Default "d3". String. The following palettes are available for use: npg, aaas, nejm, lancet, jama, jco, ucscgb, d3, locuszoom, igv, cosmic, uchicago, brewer, ordinal, viridis_d.